Super Mario Odyssey Music System
A method of syncing separate music switch containers that are tied to different game objects.
Using a secondary 3D bus to create a secondary output for a single music switch container for the purpose of having diegetic music emitting from the boombox in the level that will also remain synced.
Syncing an independent and 3D positioned music switch container on the player that is always in sync with the background and diegetic music.
Using the synthesizer plugin in Wwise to generate the players zip line melodies with MIDI for better sync times.
Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom Music System
Demonstrating a system that blends non diegetic music into diegetic and spatialised music using a metering effect within Wwise to create an RTPC. This method does not require any distance calculations as the positional data of the diegetic music already exists so we can leverage that using the metering effect.
Viking Village Location Music System
Interactive music system created in FMOD which allows the music to transition seamlessly based on the players location within the village.
The music has been separated into three layers (melody, chordal accompaniment, percussion) and has a structure of Intro/Verse/Chorus/Outro.
Using transition and destination markers within FMOD to create the structure of the music system.
Set up parameters to control the volume of each layer so different areas of the village bring in and out the different layers